Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) in a bid to enter the booming rural retail segment has tied up with Godrej Aadhaar, the agri-service-cum-retail initiative of Godrej Agrovet Ltd. Both companies plan to extend their association by launching Aadhaar Express in BPCL petro-outlets situated in semi-urban and rural areas.
The first Aadhaar Express at the BPCL outlet in Kashti, Ahmednagar district, on the Nagar-Daund road was inaugurated recently.
S Ramesh, executive director, Retail, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, said: “We are happy to announce the tie-up with Godrej Agrovet as we are seeking to build synergies that will provide value to our customers. Also, both companies believe in the immense opportunity available in rural India which will be tapped through this alliance. We plan to extend this alliance across the country through many more Aadhaar Express outlets.”
Spread across an area of 500 square feet, this store is focused on providing agri-advisory services and customised products for the rural consumer. Categories include agricultural implements, pesticides and herbicides, FMCG, grocery and apparels. Agronomists will be present at the store to provide free consultancy service to farmers on crop-related issues and assist them in improving farm productivity.
– Mumbai Bureau