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Govt’s hackathon gets innovation solutions to detect dark patterns in e-commerce platforms

The solutions received span a broad spectrum of technologies and approaches, tailored to address 13 specified dark patterns identified by...

CSC, ONDC collaborate to take e-commerce to Bharat

CSC and ONDC jointly aim to extend e-commerce access to rural India, marking a significant step towards inclusive digital commerce New...

IR Smartclass: Dark Patterns in E-commerce

A primer on the 13 unfair digital commerce practices prohibited by The Central Consumer Protection Authority which impair consumer interest...

Cost structure of logistics biggest challenge for e-commerce: Flipkart CEO

The e-commerce company has plans to transition its delivery fleet to electric vehicles by 2030 New Delhi: E-commerce in India is...

Paytm e-commerce renamed as Pai Platforms, acquires ONDC seller firm Bitsila

Elevation Capital is the largest shareholder in Paytm E-commerce. It is also backed by Paytm Founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar...

Flipkart leads e-commerce market with 48% share, Meesho fastest growing platform

Flipkart's user base grew 21% year-on-year (Y-o-Y), Meesho accelerated at 32% while Amazon lagged at 13% user growth New Delhi: Walmart...

Apollo Supply Chain launches e-commerce fulfilment, shipping service for D2C brands

With strategically located fulfilment centers across cities including Delhi NCR, Kolkata, Guwahati, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad, the new service "alfa"...

Need for Speed: Why latency matters in e-commerce

Slow websites and apps can lead to customer dissatisfaction, lost sales and revenue, and a drop in search engine optimisation...

The Souled Store partners with Simpl, strengthens e-commerce presence

The partnership will help the fashion brand in minimising transaction failures, cash-on-delivery transactions and reducing product returns New Delhi: Fashion brand...

E-commerce platform Tata CliQ partners with

With this strategic move, Tata CLiQ aims to target a much wider and newer cohort of consumers, thus strengthening its...

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BlueStone’s technological integration fuels omnichannel growth

Launched in 2011, the jewellery brand offers a line-up of contemporary lifestyle diamond, gold, silver, platinum, gemstone and pearl...