Alagu Balaraman
Retail Mantra: Look to customers, not investors
It is quite likely that most e-commerce start-ups being hatched in coffee shops of Bangalore – which are based on general merchandise retail –...
How innovation is driving the growth of online-grocery in India
E-grocery is spawning new models of supply chain and distribution thanks to the urbanisation trends and a growing demand for lower costs and greater...
Back to the Basics: Helping retailers retain customers
In a recent conference on e-commerce organised by Dynamic CIO, there were more CIOs from brick and mortar retailers than from the world of...
Headed for a cooler future
As India wastes 40 per cent of its produce before it reaches the shelf, the time is ripe for a revolution in food collection,...
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Amazon Pharmacy expands medicine access nationwide
Leveraging Amazon’s nationwide logistics network, the service offers same-day delivery in 23 cities, spanning major metros and Tier 2...