Aashray Thatai, Co-Founder, PostFold (A unit of AA Brands Pvt. LTD)


What according to you are the three biggest/ most important changes happening in the world of technology?

Cloud Computing/ Artificial Intelligence/ Virtual Reality

How do you think these changes will impact Indian retail?

They will enhance end to end user experience. All big players are heading towards an Omni-retail channel, where the brick and mortar store is used to leverage the customer base back to the website of that particular retailer/ marketplace.

What are the 3 game changing technologies in the space of customer experience?

AI/ Instant Messaging/ Chatbots

What are the top priorities for you in the coming years you as CIO of the company/ brand?

To continuously evolve and adapt to ever changing world of technology.

Top 3 challenges retailers will face from a Technology point of view in India?

Obsoleteness/ Maintaining Price/ Constantly innovating

How is IoT shaping up the industry? Tell us about the role and significance of IoT in your company?

IoT is secretly becoming the backbone of every industry. Its helps us with customer facing innovation and perform data driven optimisation.

What would success look like for you in a couple of years in terms of the company and technology?

Success for us would be a virtual Omnichannel with no touches. Customer goes in, with the help of a 3D/ Virtual trial room tries all the clothes and walks away with his favorite product via touch less interaction. As far a technology is concerned i would like it to automate almost all processes in our daily lives and community.

Your top 3 favourite retail technologies, which you would like to introduce in India?

3D Printing/ AR/ VR.