Snapdeal, the online portal, has signed a deal with IIT Delhi and Phoenix Medical Solutions to sell ‘SmartCane’ online for worth Rs 3,500.
SmartCane is an advanced version of the white cane used by visually impaired people and ensures independent mobility and safety of the user.
According to a report in PTI: As a part of the partnership, potential donors can also choose to donate SmartCane via Snapdeal Sunshine platform, where the product will be shipped directly to NGO partner Saksham that works for empowering persons with blindness.
Using ultrasonic ranging, SmartCane helps predict above knee-level obstacles and therefore, ensures safety against collisions. The device is already used by nearly 10,000 people in the country.
“We are confident that this product will be well received and our customers will also come forward to donate SmartCane to NGOs working with persons with visual impairment,” Snapdeal Senior Vice President (Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives) Tony Navin said in a statement.
Professor at IIT Delhi and Smartcane Team Lead, M Balakrishnan said the product was initiated as a class project.
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