GGMA has a newly appointed President, Vijay Purohit, who recently pulled through a successful event. The event was a great platform for the fashion industry of Gujarat and the effort put in by the organisation is aimed at bringing the fashion Industry of Gujarat on the radar of Indian Fashion scene.
The theme of GGMA show was Swarnim Gujarat. CGMA is the first association after CMAI to announce their event as National Garment Fair.
The GGMA National Garment Fair 2010 saw large number of sponsors. Mahavir Tags and Accessories Pvt Ltd was the main sponsor along with Ankur Exim, Sharmilee NX, and Gee Kay Fashion First were the co-sponsors. The fashion show was sponsored by Shree Radheshyam Group and Anjani Synthetics Ltd. The event was supported by Images Business of Fashion (BoF) as their magazine partner.
Many dignitaries were invited on this day and felicitated by the GGMA committee member. Three great personalities bestowed the event with their presence – Saurabh Patel, Honorable Minister of State, Kaushik Patel, Vice President B J P Gujarat and Kanaji Thakor, Mayor of Ahmedabad.
GGMA Fair Guide was released by all the dignitaries and Images Business of Fashion was released by Saurabh Patel. Along with the dignitaries were all the sponsors and Desh Bandhu Gupta, Managing Director, Veepee Group who shared his thoughts with the delegates and visitors.
During the three days of the event, more that 18000 visitors were recorded. Eminent retailers from all over India visited the event.